This tutorial introduces:
- how to define data-models in TurboGears using SQLAlchemy
- how to interact with your data-models from Python code (controllers)
- how to modify HTML (Genshi) template views
- how to use automatically generated forms to allow users to update your models
We will assume you are familiar with the following:
- The Model-View-Controller abstraction
- Basic operations of Relational Databases
- Basic HTML, CSS and Python
This tutorial goes somewhat faster than The TurboGears 2 Wiki Tutorial with the assumption that you’ve done web-development before in some framework and just want to know how TurboGears works in particular.
You will want to follow along with this tutorial within a TurboGears virtualenv. On a Linux machine with virtualenv already installed, this is accomplished with:
virtualenv --no-site-packages movies
cd movies
source bin/activate
easy_install -i tg.devtools
Complete instructions for setting up TurboGears, VirtualEnv and the like are available on the Download and Install page.
We will use the TurboGears “quickstart” command, which will create a generic TurboGears project which we can proceed to edit:
paster quickstart movies
We will want to accept most of the defaults. We will want to have authentication in this project, so answer yes when asked about that.
SQLAlchemy is the default storage layer used by TurboGears 2.0 and above. SQLAlchemy is a powerful database abstraction layer that lets you begin your project using a simple “declarative” form that looks much like other ORMs, but allows you to access a more general and powerful abstraction of “Mapper” should you need that functionality in the future.
If you browse into the new “movies” directory, you will find a sub-directory also named “movies”. This directory is your importable package, and within it you will find a number of sub-packages, including one named “model”. We are going to create our application’s data-model here.
We’ll create a new file “” in our “model” directory with this content:
from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper, relation, backref
from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, Unicode, Boolean
from movies.model import DeclarativeBase, metadata, DBSession
__all__ = [ 'Movie' ]
class Movie(DeclarativeBase):
__tablename__ = 'movie'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
title = Column(Unicode, nullable=False)
description = Column(Unicode, nullable=True)
year = Column(Integer, nullable=True)
genre_id = Column(Integer,ForeignKey(''), nullable=True)
genre = relation('Genre',foreign_keys=genre_id )
reviewed = Column(Boolean, nullable=False, default=False )
def __repr__(self):
return (u"<Movie('%s','%s', '%s')>" % (
self.title, self.year, self.description
class Genre(DeclarativeBase):
__tablename__ = 'genre'
id = Column(Integer,primary_key=True)
title = Column(Unicode,nullable=False,unique=True)
There’s a lot going on here, so let’s break it down a bit. The first few imports are giving us access to functionality from the SQLAlchemy package. The sqlalchemy.orm import is letting us access the “declarative” ORM mechanisms in SQLAlchemy, while the other two imports are from the generic interfaces.
The line:
from movies.model import DeclarativeBase, metadata, DBSession
is more interesting. We are actually importing fixtures here from the module in the same directory as the file we are creating. These objects are effectively “globals” which all of our application code will use to access the database connections, structures etceteras.
One thing to note for your own code: you should never name your model modules the same name as your top-level modules (“movies” in our case), as the import here would fail as it got confused as to from where to import the fixtures.
The DeclarativeBase class is an ORM mechanism from SQLAlchemy which allows for declaring tables and their ORM mappers via a simple class definition. Lower-level and more advanced SQLAlchemy usage also allows for separately defined tables and mappers.
Now we’ll make “Movie” available directly in the movies.model namespace by importing it in the model/ module. We do this at the bottom of the module so that the DBSession, DeclarativeBase and the similar instances are already available when we do the import:
from import *
And that’s it. We can now setup our app and then run the following paster command (from the directory where development.ini is, the level below our virtualenv directory):
python develop
paster setup-app development.ini
which by default would create an SQLite file in the local directory which would have a “model” table.
SQLAlchemy provides a number of built-in types which it automatically maps to underlying database types. If you want the latest and greatest listing just type:
The main types are:
type | value |
types.Binary | binary |
types.Boolean | boolean |
types.Integer | integer |
types.Numeric | number |
types.String | string |
types.Unicode | unicode |
types.Date | date |
types.Time | time |
types.DateTime | datetime |
There are also properties that apply to all column objects, which you might want to set up front.
property | value |
primary_key | True/False |
nullable | True/False |
unique | True/False |
index | True/False |
Pretty much these do exactly what you would expect them to do, set a field to be a primary key or set it to accept null values, unique, indexed, etceteras. By default fields are none of the above.
We can interact with our model directly from the Python interpreter by starting up a paster shell:
paster shell development.ini
where we can now import our model:
>>> from movies.model import *
>>> import transaction
>>> drac = Movie( title = 'Dracula', year=1931, description = 'Vampire Movie' )
>>> print drac
>>> DBSession.add( drac )
>>> transaction.commit( )
when running inside TurboGears request handlers, the call to transaction.commit is normally handled by middleware which commits if a method returns “normally” (including redirects) and rolls back if the method raises an uncaught exception.
Aside: If you are an old SQLAlchemy hand, you may be wondering what “transaction.commit()” is, as in SQLAlchemy you would normally use DBSession.commit() to commit your current transaction. TurboGears 2.2.2 uses a middleware component which allows for multi-database commits. A side-effect of this usage is that use of DBSession.commit() is no longer possible.
Your quickstart project will have installed an optional administrative GUI (named Catwalk). This interface can be enhanced with the dojo javascript library to give it more useful controls:
easy_install tw.dojo
You can start TurboGears’ development web server and browse to the admin page here:
You can customize the administrative GUI considerably as discussed in TurboGears Administration System.
With our administrative GUI, we could create some Movie and Genre records, set up some Users to manage permissions and the like, but none of that would ever be visible to the user. We’re going to define a simple view on the home-page of our site that shows the set of Movies we’ve defined in a simple HTML table.
The site’s “index” page is generated by the “exposed” index method on the “root” controller. This is defined in the file:
in our quick-started application. We’re going to alter this index method to load a collection of our SQLAlchemy-generated Movie records and provide them to be rendered by the index template.
To make the various parts of the model available, we’ll add the following to the imports of the module:
from movies.model import *
which gives us access to DBSession, Movie and Genre. We then alter our index method to look like this:
def index(self):
"""Handle the front-page."""
movies = DBSession.query( Movie ).order_by( Movie.title )
return dict(
movies = movies,
SQLAlchemy query operations are an involved subject (see the SQLAlchemy Object Relational Tutorial for an in-depth exploration of it. Here we are querying all Movie instances and sorting them by their title field.
We could actually run our application now, and other than a tiny slowdown of the front-page load, we would not be able to see any change in the application. The controller has provided information, but we need to alter the view to make that information visible.
To make our collection of Movies visible, we are going to change the index template for our application. The expose decorator on the index method gives the dotted-format module name of the (Genshi) template which is going to be used to render the page. Here it is movies.templates.index, so we will open the file movies/movies/templates/index.html to edit it.
We are going to replace most of this file, so here we show the entire file, rather than just the edits we would make to it:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns=""
<xi:include href="master.html" />
<meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="content-type" py:replace="''"/>
<title>Movie-base Tutorial</title>
<div id="movie-index">
<h2>Movie-base Tutorial</h2>
<table class="movie-listing">
<tr py:for="movie in movies">
<th class="movie-title">${movie.title}</th>
<td class="movie-year">${movie.year}</td>
<td class="genre-title"><span py:if="movie.genre" py:strip="">${movie.genre.title}</span></td>
<td class="movie-description">${movie.description}</td>
<div class="clearingdiv" />
Genshi is an attribute language system which requires rigorous XML correctness. If you leave off a closing-tag or forget to put quotes around an attribute value you will get Genshi templating errors. Luckily Genshi tends to be relatively good at pointing out where the error is, though occasionally you’ll have to think a bit to figure out which particular tag isn’t closed, for instance.
TurboGears actually supports a number of templating languages, including Genshi, Jinja and Mako. The differences between them tend to be subtle enough that new users don’t generally need to worry about choosing an alternate templating system.
You may have noticed that our view/template set a lot of “class” and “id” values. This is to make it easy to select the various components from within CSS stylesheets. Your quick-started project already includes a CSS stylesheet in the master.html template. The template included is in:
we can open this file and add the following CSS directives to have our table of movies be a little easier to read:
#movie-index .movie-listing {
width: 100%;
background-color: lightgray;
#movie-index .movie-listing tr {
background-color: white;
CSS takes a significant amount of work to master, particularly with regard to the intricacies of legacy browser support. We’ll assume you will learn CSS yourself and leave it as showing you where to put the results of your learning.
As you might have guessed by the Admin UI, TurboGears is able to introspect your database model in order to provide common CRUD (Create, Update, Destroy) forms. We’ll use this capability, which is provided by the Sprox library to create a simple form our users can use to add new movies to our database:
from sprox.formbase import AddRecordForm
from tg import tmpl_context
class AddMovie(AddRecordForm):
__model__ = Movie
add_movie_form = AddMovie(DBSession)
we can then pass this form to our template in the index method of our root controller:
def index(self, **named):
"""Handle the front-page."""
movies = DBSession.query( Movie ).order_by( Movie.title )
tmpl_context.add_movie_form = add_movie_form
return dict(
movies = movies,
Why are we using tmpl_context? Why don’t we just pass our widget into the template as a parameter? The reason is is that TurboGears controllers often do double duty as both web-page renderers and JSON handlers. By putting “view-specific” code into the tmpl_context and “model-data” into the result dictionary, we can more readily support the JSON queries.
Now we call our widget from within our index template:
<h2>New Movie</h2>
${tmpl_context.add_movie_form( action='add_movie') }
we pass an action parameter to the form to tell it what controller method (url) it should use to process the results of submitting the form. We’ll create the controller on our root controller:
from tg import validate
@expose( )
def add_movie( self, title, description, year, genre, **named ):
"""Create a new movie record"""
new = Movie(
title = title,
description = description,
year = year,
reviewed = False,
genre_id = genre,
DBSession.add( new )
flash( '''Added movie: %s'''%( title, ))
redirect( './index' )
We do not use a template in our expose call here, as we are not going to return an HTML page from this method. The validate decorator uses the Sprox widget/form’s automatically generated validator to convert the incoming form values into Python objects and check for required fields. If there are errors, the error_handler controller method will be called. In this case, as is common, we use the same view which presented the problematic form, as most widgets (including Sprox’ widgets) are designed to display error messages when errors occur.
Note the use of DBSession.add() on the new instance. Without this, the record would not be registered with the transactional machinery, and would simply disappear when the request completed.
At this point we can view our site and see the movie-adding form just below the list of Movies. We can enter new values in the form and we will create new Movie records. However, the form is not particularly elegant looking, as the use of “Unicode” values (without size limits) for the title has convinced Sprox to use ungainly TextArea control instead of more compact TextField controls. We also have a number of extraneous controls for ids, and the “reviewed” flag is visible to the user.
To clean the form up somewhat, we will refine the set of fields in the form by omitting the unwanted fields and declaring the widget-type to use for the title field. The resulting add_movie_form looks like this:
from sprox.formbase import AddRecordForm
from tw.forms import TextField,CalendarDatePicker
class AddMovie(AddRecordForm):
__model__ = Movie
__omit_fields__ = [
'id', 'genre_id', 'reviewed'
title = TextField
add_movie_form = AddMovie(DBSession)
Last but not least, we alter our index page to no longer display any movies which have not yet been reviewed by our admins (using the admin controller), which is done by adding a filter clause to the SQLAlchemy query:
movies = DBSession.query( Movie ).filter(
Movie.reviewed == True
).order_by( Movie.title )
Sprox allows you to rapidly prototype applications under TurboGears, and provides considerable customization (documented on their web-site). As you refine your application you may replace many of the Sprox-provided forms with custom forms created using the underlying ToscaWidgets framework, or potentially even forms directly coded into your templates. The automatically generated forms can save you a significant amount of time until you get there.
As our users add movies and we approve them, our list of movies on the front page will get longer and longer. We’re going to make our list use pagination to present standard navigation mechanisms to the user.
In our controllers/ module, we’ll alter the index method:
from tg import tmpl_context
def index(self, **named):
"""Handle the front-page."""
movies = DBSession.query( Movie ).filter(
Movie.reviewed == True
).order_by( Movie.title )
tmpl_context.add_movie_form = add_movie_form
from webhelpers import paginate
count = movies.count()
page =int( named.get( 'page', '1' ))
currentPage = paginate.Page(
movies, page, item_count=count,
movies = currentPage.items
return dict(
movies = movies,
currentPage = currentPage,
This sets up a simple URL scheme where the parameter “page” will determine which page we will view, and we’ll view at most 5 movies per page. We take just the set of movies in the current page as our “movies” collection, and we pass in the Page object to our template to allow it to render the navigation mechanisms.
Our template is altered to display the page navigation at the bottom of the movie table in our index.html template:
<tr class="navigation" py:if="currentPage.page_count > 1">
<td colspan="4" class="pager">${currentPage.pager()}</td>
<tr class="navigation" py:if="currentPage.item_count == 0">
<td colspan="4" class="pager">No movies found</td>
And finally, we add some CSS rules to make the navigation stand out from the content:
.navigation .pager {
text-align: center;
color: darkgrey;
If you want to do more customization with your pager, see the The Pagination Quickstart.
- SQLAlchemy Object Relational Tutorial – learn how to use SQLAlchemy effectively to model your applications
- Simple Widget Form Tutorial – learn how to use ToscaWidgets to create custom forms
- Genshi – learn the default templating language for views
- TurboGears Automatic CRUD Generation – learn how to automate CRUD-style editing even more
- TurboGears Administration System – learn how to customize the admin UI
- SQLAlchemy Documentation:
- Sprox Website – includes customization tutorials
- The zope.sqlalchemy transaction module