The webhelpers.feedgenerator module provides an API for programmatically generating syndication feeds from a Pylons application (your TurboGears 2.2.2 application is a particular configuration of Pylons).
The feed generator is intended for use in controllers, and generates an output stream. Currently the following feeds can be created by using the appropriate class:
All of these format specific Feed generators inherit from the SyndicationFeed() class and you use the same API to interact with them.
Example controller method:
from helloworld.lib.base import BaseController
from tg.controllers import CUSTOM_CONTENT_TYPE
from webhelpers.feedgenerator import Atom1Feed
from pylons import response
from pylons.controllers.util import url_for
class CommentsController(BaseController):
def atom1( self ):
"""Produce an atom-1.0 feed via feedgenerator module"""
feed = Atom1Feed(
title=u"An excellent Sample Feed",
description=u"A sample feed, showing how to make and add entries",
feed.add_item(title="Sample post",
response.content_type = 'application/atom+xml'
return feed.writeString('utf-8')
To have your feed automatically discoverable by your user’s browser, you will need to include a link tag to your template/document’s head. Most browsers render this as a small RSS icon next to the address bar on which the user can click to subscribe.
<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" href="./atom1" />
Normally you will also want to include an in-page link to the RSS page so that users who are not aware of or familiar with the automatic discovery can find the RSS feed. FeedIcons has a downloadable set of icons suitable for use in links.
<a href="./atom1"><img src="/images/feed-icon-14x14.png" /> Subscribe</a>
The various feed generators will escape your content appropriately for the particular type of feed.
Base class for all syndication feeds. Subclasses should provide write()
Adds an item to the feed. All args are expected to be Python Unicode objects except pubdate, which is a datetime.datetime object, and enclosure, which is an instance of the Enclosure class.
Add elements on each item (i.e. item/entry) element.
Add elements in the root (i.e. feed/channel) element. Called from write().
Return extra attributes to place on each item (i.e. item/entry) element.
Returns the latest item’s pubdate. If none of them have a pubdate, this returns the current date/time.
Return extra attributes to place on the root (i.e. feed/channel) element. Called from write().
Outputs the feed in the given encoding to outfile, which is a file-like object. Subclasses should override this.
Returns the feed in the given encoding as a string.
Represents an RSS enclosure