Paste Template and Pylons utility functions
PylonsTemplate is a Paste Template sub-class that configures the source directory and default plug-ins for a new Pylons project. The minimal template a more minimal template with less additional directories and layout.
Pylons context object
All the Pylons Stacked Object Proxies are also stored here, for use in generators and async based operation where the globals can’t be used.
This object is attached in WSGIController instances as _py_object. For example:
class MyController(WSGIController):
def index(self):
pyobj = self._py_object
return "Environ is %s" % pyobj.request.environ
The tmpl_context object, with strict attribute access (raises an Exception when the attribute does not exist)
The tmpl_context object, with lax attribute access ( returns ‘’ when the attribute does not exist)