easy_install tw.jquery
The AjaxForm widget supports the following parameters:
the Ajax Request.
created like this:
from formencode import validators
from tw.forms.fields import TextField, TextArea, CheckBox
from tw.api import WidgetsList
class CommentFields(WidgetsList):
"""The WidgetsList defines the fields of the form."""
name = TextField(validator=validators.NotEmpty())
email = TextField(validator=validators.Email(not_empty=True),
comment = TextArea(validator=validators.NotEmpty())
notify = CheckBox(label="Notify me")
Ajax Request.
request would be rendered. (Default: “output”)
POST. (Default: “POST”)
SCRIPT. (Default: “JSON”)
before submitting the request. This could be helpful for doing javascript based validations if needed. (Default: None)
request succeeds. (Default: None)
A simple AjaxForm widget may be instantiated as:
from tw.jquery import AjaxForm
ajax_form = AjaxForm(id="myAjaxForm",
The form can then be served up to the user via a controller method like this:
def entry(self, **kw):
pylons.c.form = myAjaxForm
return dict(value=kw)
In your template you need to pickup your form from the template context for rendering. Also create a target div (“output” in this case) to display the output:
${tmpl_context.form(show_labels=True, value=value)}
<div id="output"></div>
And here is the resulting field when viewed from a browser:
The template generates the necessary javascript code to send the Ajax Request when the form is submitted. The controller code for generating the response would be something like:
def do_search(self, **kw):
return "<p>Recieved Data:<br/>%(name)s<br/>%(email)s<br/>%(comment)s<br/>%(notify)s<br/></p>" % kw
The output would be rendered inside a div element called output, which is the default target element. This is how the page looks like after the form has been successfully submitted:
Difficulty: Medium. Getting output as JSON and updating a data grid