This tutorial has been written for TurboGears 2.3 on Python2.7. While it might work with previous or later versions, it has been tested only for version 2.3.
If this is your first TurboGears2 project you need to create an environment and install the TurboGears2 web framework to make the development commands available.
First we are going to create a Virtual Environment where we will install the framework. This helps keeping our system clean by not installing the packages system-wide. To do so we need to install the virtualenv package:
$ pip install virtualenv
Now the virtualenv command should be available and we can create and activate a virtual environment for our TurboGears2 project:
$ virtualenv tgenv
$ . tgenv/bin/activate
If our environment got successfully created and activated we should end up with a prompt that looks like:
TurboGears2 can be quickly installed by installing the TurboGears2 development tools. This will install TurboGears2 itself and a bunch of commands useful when developing TurboGears applications:
(tgenv)$ pip install -f http://tg.gy/230 tg.devtools
The -i http://tg.gy/VERSION option is used to make sure that we install TurboGears2 version and its dependencies at the right version. TurboGears2 doesn’t usually enforce version dependencies to make it possible for developers to upgrade them if they need a bugfix or new features. It is suggested to always use the -i option to avoid installing incompatible packages.
If the install correctly completed the gearbox quickstart command should be available in your virtual environment:
(tgenv)$ gearbox quickstart wikir
This will create a project called wikir with the default template engine and with authentication. TurboGears2 projects usually share a common structure, which should look like:
├── __init__.py
├── config <-- Where project setup and configuration is located
├── controllers <-- All the project controllers, the logic of our web application
├── i18n <-- Translation files for the languages supported
├── lib <-- Utility python functions and classes
├── model <-- Database models
├── public <-- Static files like CSS, javascript and images
├── templates <-- Templates exposed by our controllers
├── tests <-- Tests
└── websetup <-- Functions to execute at application setup like creating tables, a standard user and so on.
Before we can start our project and open it into a browser we must install any dependency that is not strictly related to TurboGears itself. This can easily be achieved running the develop command which will install into our environment the project itself and all its dependencies:
(tgenv)$ cd wikir
(tgenv)$ pip install -e .
Project depndencies are specified inside the setup.py file in the install_requires list. Default project dependencies should look like:
"TurboGears2 >= 2.3.0",
"zope.sqlalchemy >= 0.4",
"tgext.admin >= 0.5.1",
Genshi dependency is the template engine our application is going to use, the zope.sqlalchemy, sqlalchemy and sqlalchemy-migrate dependencies are there to provide support for SQLALchemy based database layer. repoze.who and repoze.who.plugins.sa are used by the authentication and authorization layer. tgext.admin and tw2.forms are used to generate administrative interfaces and forms.
If you skipped the pip install -e . command you might end up with an error that looks like: pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: tw2.forms: Not Found for: wikir (did you run python setup.py develop?) This is because some of the dependencies your project has depend on the options you choose while quickstarting it.
You should now be able to start the newly create project with the gearbox serve command:
(tgenv)$ gearbox serve --reload
Starting subprocess with file monitor
Starting server in PID 32797.
serving on
The –reload option makes the server restart whenever a file is changed, this greatly speeds up the development process by avoiding having to manually restart the server whenever we need to try our changes.
Pointing your browser to should open up the TurboGears2 welcome page. By default newly quickstarted projects provide a bunch of pages to guide the user through some of the foundations of TurboGears2 web applications. Taking a look at the page can provide a great overview of your newly quickstarted project.