mod_wsgi is an Apache module developed by Graham Dumpleton. It allows WSGI programs to be served using the Apache web server.
This guide will outline broad steps that can be used to get a TurboGears application running under Apache via mod_wsgi.
The tutorial assumes you have Apache already installed on your system. If you do not, install Apache 2.X for your platform in whatever manner makes sense.
Once you have Apache installed, install mod_wsgi. Use the (excellent) installation instructions for your platform into your system’s Apache installation.
Create a virtualenvironment with the specific TurboGears version your application depends on installed.
$ virtualenv /var/tg2env $ /var/tg2env/bin/pip install -f tg.devtools
Activate the virtualenvironment
$ source /var/tg2env/bin/activate
(tg2env)$ #virtualenv now activated
Install your TurboGears application.
(tg2env)$ cd /var/www/myapp
(tg2env)$ python develop
Within the application director, create a script named app.wsgi. Give it these contents:
APP_CONFIG = "/var/www/myapp/myapp/production.ini"
#Setup logging
import logging
#Load the application
from paste.deploy import loadapp
application = loadapp('config:%s' % APP_CONFIG)
Edit your Apache configuration and add some stuff.
<VirtualHost *:80>
WSGIDaemonProcess user=www-data group=www-data threads=4 python-path=/var/tg2env/lib/python2.7/site-packages
WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/myapp/app.wsgi
#Serve static files directly without TurboGears
Alias /images /var/www/myapp/myapp/public/images
Alias /css /var/www/myapp/myapp/public/css
Alias /js /var/www/myapp/myapp/public/js
CustomLog logs/ common
ErrorLog logs/
Restart Apache
$ sudo apache2ctl restart
Visit in a browser to access the application.
See the mod_wsgi configuration documentation for more in-depth configuration information.