TurboGears relies on ToscaWidgets for Forms building and validations. Since version 2.2 TurboGears uses ToscaWidgets2, this is an introduction on using ToscaWidgets2 for building and validating forms, a more complete documentation is available on the ToscaWidgets2 Documentation itself.
To create a form you will have to declare it specifying:
- the form action (where to submit the form data)
- the form layout (how the form will be displayed)
- the form fields
The action can be specified as an attribute of the form itself, while the layout must be a class named child which has to inherit from tw2.forms.BaseLayout. Any of tw2.forms.TableLayout or tw2.forms.ListLayout will usually do, but you can easily write your own custom layouts. The form fields can then be specified inside the child class.
import tw2.core as twc
import tw2.forms as twf
class MovieForm(twf.Form):
class child(twf.TableLayout):
title = twf.TextField()
director = twf.TextField(value='Default Director')
genres = twf.CheckBoxList(options=['Action', 'Comedy', 'Romance', 'Sci-fi'])
action = '/save_movie'
To display the form we can return it from the controller where it must be rendered:
def index(self, *args, **kw):
return dict(page='index', form=MovieForm)
and display it inside the template itself. Any field of the form can be filled using the value argument passed to the display function. The values provided inside this argument will override the field default ones.
<div id="getting_started">
${form.display(value=dict(title='default title'))}
When submitting the form the save_movie controller declared in the action attribute of the form will receive the submitted values as any other provided GET or POST parameter.
def save_movie(self, **kw):
return str(kw)
ToscaWidgets2 is able to use any FormEncode validator for validation of both fields and forms. More validators are also provided inside the tw2.core.validators module.
To start using validation we have to declare the validator for each form field. For example to block submission of our previous form when no title or director is provided we can use the tw2.core.Required validator:
class MovieForm(twf.Form):
class child(twf.TableLayout):
title = twf.TextField(validator=twc.Required)
director = twf.TextField(value="Default Director", validator=twc.Required)
genres = twf.CheckBoxList(options=['Action', 'Comedy', 'Romance', 'Sci-fi'])
action = '/save_movie'
Now the forms knows how to validate the title and director fields, but those are not validated in any way. To enable validation in TurboGears we must use the tg.validate decorator and place it at our form action:
@validate(MovieForm, error_handler=index)
def save_movie(self, *args, **kw):
return str(kw)
Now every submission to /save_movie url will be validated against the MovieForm and if it doesn’t pass validation will be redirected to the index method where the form will display an error for each field not passing validation.
More about TurboGears support for validation is available inside the TurboGears Validation page.
Suppose that you are afraid that people might enter a wrong director name for your movies. The most simple solution would be to require them to enter the name two times to be sure that it is actually the correct one.
How can we enforce people to enter two times the same name inside our form? Apart from fields, ToscaWidgets permits to set validators to forms. Those can be used to validate form fields together instead of one by one. To check that our two directors equals we will use the formencode.validators.FieldsMatch validator:
import tw2.core as twc
import tw2.forms as twf
from formencode.validators import FieldsMatch
class MovieForm(twf.Form):
class child(twf.TableLayout):
title = twf.TextField(validator=twc.Required)
director = twf.TextField(value="Default Director", validator=twc.Required)
director_verify = twf.TextField()
genres = twf.CheckBoxList(options=['Action', 'Comedy', 'Romance', 'Sci-fi'])
action = '/save_movie'
validator = FieldsMatch('director', 'director_verify')
Nothing else of our code needs to be changed, our /save_movie controller already has validation for the MovieForm and when the form is submitted after checking that there is a title and director will also check that both director and director_verify fields equals.
Whenever you run your application on a mount point which is not the root of the domain name your actions will have to poin to the right path inside the mount point.
In TurboGears2 this is usually achieved using the tg.url function which checks the SCRIPT_NAME inside the request environment to see where the application is mounted. The issue with widget actions is that widgets actions are globally declared and tg.url cannot be called outside of a request.
Calling tg.url while declaring a form and its action will cause a crash to avoid this TurboGears provides a lazy version of the url method which is evaluated only when the widget is displayed (tg.lurl):
from tg import lurl
class MovieForm(twf.Form):
class child(twf.TableLayout):
title = twf.TextField(validator=twc.Required)
director = twf.TextField(value="Default Director", validator=twc.Required)
genres = twf.CheckBoxList(options=['Action', 'Comedy', 'Romance', 'Sci-fi'])
action = lurl('/save_movie')
Using tg.lurl the form action will be correctly written depending on where the application is mounted.
Please pay attention that usually when registering resources on ToscaWidgets (both tw1 and tw2) it won’t be necessary to call neither tg.url or tg.lurl as all the Link subclasses like JSLink, CSSLink and so on will already serve the resource using the application mount point.