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Customizing authentication and authorization


Here you will learn how to customize the way TurboGears configures authentication and thus repoze.who indirectly for you.

This is all done from {yourproject}.config.app_cfg.base_config.sa_auth.

Customizing authentication settings

It’s very easy for you to customize authentication and identification settings in repoze.who from {yourproject}.config.app_cfg.base_config.sa_auth.

Customizing how user informations, groups and permissions are retrieved

TurboGears provides an easy shortcut to customize how your authorization data is retrieved without having to face the complexity of the underlying authentication layer. This is performed by the TGAuthMetadata object which is configured in your project config.app_cfg.base_config.

This object provides three methods which have to return respectively the user, its groups and its permissions. You can freely change them as you wish as they are part of your own application behavior.

Adavanced Customizations

For more advanced customizations or to use repoze plugins to implement different forms of authentication you can freely customize the whole authentication layer using through the {yourproject}.config.app_cfg.base_config.sa_auth options.

The available directives are all optional:

  • form_plugin: This is a replacement for the FriendlyForm plugin and will be

    always used as a challenger. If form_identifies option is True it will also be appended to the list of identifiers.

  • ìdentifiers: A custom list of repoze.who identifiers.

    By default it contains the form_plugin and the AuthTktCookiePlugin.

  • challengers: A custom list of repoze.who challengers.

    The form_plugin is always appended to this list, so if you have only one challenger you will want to change the form_plugin instead of overridding this list.

  • authmetadata: This is the object that TG will use to fetch authorization metadata.

    Changing the authmetadata object you will be able to change how TurboGears fetches your user data, groups and permissions. Using authmetada a new repoze.who metadata provider is created.

  • mdproviders: This is a list of repoze.who metadata providers.

    If authmetadata is not None a metadata provider based on it will always be appended to the mdproviders.

Customizing the model structure assumed by the quickstart

Your auth-related model doesn’t have to be like the default one, where the class for your users, groups and permissions are, respectively, User, Group and Permission, and your users’ user name is available in User.user_name. What if you prefer Member and Team instead of User and Group, respectively?

First of all we need to inform the authentication layer that our user is stored in a different class. This makes repoze.who know where to look for the user to check its password:

# what is the class you want to use to search for users in the database
base_config.sa_auth.user_class = model.Member

Then we have to tell out authmetadata how to retrieve the user, its groups and permissions:

from tg.configuration.auth import TGAuthMetadata

#This tells to TurboGears how to retrieve the data for your user
class ApplicationAuthMetadata(TGAuthMetadata):
    def __init__(self, sa_auth):
        self.sa_auth = sa_auth
    def get_user(self, identity, userid):
        return self.sa_auth.user_class.query.get(user_name=userid)
    def get_groups(self, identity, userid):
        return [team.team_name for team in identity['user'].teams]
    def get_permissions(self, identity, userid):
        return [p.permission_name for p in identity['user'].permissions]

base_config.sa_auth.authmetadata = ApplicationAuthMetadata(base_config.sa_auth)

Now our application is able to fetch the user from the Member table and its groups from the Team table. Using TGAuthMetadata makes also possible to introduce a caching layer to avoid performing too many queries to fetch the authentication data for each request.

Disabling authentication and authorization

If you need more flexibility than that provided by the quickstart, or you are not going to use repoze.who, you should prevent TurboGears from dealing with authentication/authorization by removing (or commenting) the following line from {yourproject}.config.app_cfg:

base_config.auth_backend = '{whatever you find here}'

Then you may also want to delete those settings like base_config.sa_auth.* – they’ll be ignored.

Next Steps

  • Adding OpenID Support – describes how to use a repoze.who plugin to authenticate users via the OpenID mechanism