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Database Schema Migrations

Since version 2.1.1 TurboGears has integrated migrations support for each new quickstarted project. For previous versions or to manually manage migrations please refer to Manual Database Schema Migration in TurboGears 2

TurboGears 2 relies on the sqlalchemy-migrate project to automate database schema migration.


This document assumes that you have an existing TurboGears >= 2.1.1 project that uses the built-in support for SQLAlchemy. If you are not yet at that stage, you may want to review the following:

Additionally, it is assumed that you have reached a point in the development life cycle where a change must be made to your current data model. This could mean adding a column to an existing table, adding a table, removing a table, or any number of other database schema changes.

The examples in this document will be based on the The TurboGears 2 Wiki Tutorial, but the information applies to any TurboGears 2 project.

Getting Started

TurboGears provides a paster migrate command to manage schema migration. You can run paster migrate db_version to see the current version of your schema:

$ paster migrate -c development.ini db_version
Migrations repository 'migration',
database url 'sqlite:////private/tmp/migr/devdata.db'


This is possible because when paster setup-app development.ini is ran a migrate_version table is created in your database. This table will keep the current version of your schema to track when applying migrations is required.

If you examine your database, you should be able to see schema version tracking table and check what it is the current version of your schema:

sqlite> .headers on
sqlite> select * from migrate_version;

This is exactly like running the paster migrate db_version command, both should tell you the same database version. In this case as we just created the project the reported version is 0.

Note that the repository_id column should uniquely identify your project’s set of migrations. Should you happen to deploy multiple projects in one database, you will be able to manage multiple schema versions by changing the repository_id variable in the migration/migrate.cfg of each project to a different value.

Integrating Migrations in the Development Process

With the database under version control and a repository for schema change scripts, you are ready to begin regular development. We will now walk through the process of creating, testing, and applying a change script for your current database schema. Repeat these steps as your data model evolves to keep your databases in sync with your model.

Create Your First Change Script

The paster migrate script command will create an empty change script for you, automatically naming it and placing it in your repository:

$ paster migrate script 'Initial Schema'

The command will return by just printing the migrations repository where it is going to create the new script:

$ paster migrate script 'Initial Schema
Migrations repository 'migration',
database url 'sqlite:////private/tmp/migr/devdata.db'

$ ls migration/versions

Edit the Script

Each change script provides an upgrade and downgrade method, and we implement those methods by creating and dropping the pages_table respectively:

from sqlalchemy import *
from migrate import *

metadata = MetaData()
pages_table = Table("pages", metadata,
                    Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True),
                    Column("pagename", Text, unique=True),
                    Column("data", Text)

def upgrade(migrate_engine):
    # Upgrade operations go here. Don't create your own engine; use the engine
    # named 'migrate_engine' imported from migrate.
    metadata.bind = migrate_engine

def downgrade(migrate_engine):
    # Operations to reverse the above upgrade go here.
    metadata.bind = migrate_engine

Test the Script

Anyone who has experienced a failed schema upgrade on a production database knows how uniquely uncomfortable that situation can be. Although testing a new change script is optional, it is clearly a good idea. After you execute the following test command, you will ideally be successful:

$ paster migrate test
Migrations repository 'migration',
database url 'sqlite:////private/tmp/migr/devdata.db'


If you receive an error while testing your script, one of two issues is probably the cause:

  • There is a bug in the script
  • You are testing a script that conflicts with the schema as it currently exists.

If there is a bug in your change script, you can fix the bug and rerun the test.

Deploy the Script

The script is now ready to be deployed:

$ paster migrate upgrade

If your database is already at the most recent revision, the command will produce no output. If migrations are applied, you will see output similar to the following:

Migrations repository 'migration',
database url 'sqlite:////private/tmp/migr/devdata.db'

0 -> 1...

Keeping your websetup on sync

Each time you create a new migration you should consider keeping your websetup in sync with it. For example if you create a new table inside a migration when you will run paster setup-app on a new database it will already have the new table as you probably declared it in your model too but the migrations version will be 0. So trying to run any migration will probably crash due to the existing table.

To prevent this your websetup script should always initialize the database in the same state where it would be after applying all the available migrations. To ensure this you will have to add at the end of the websetup/ script a pool of commands to set the schema version to the last one:

from migrate.versioning.schema import ControlledSchema
schema = ControlledSchema(config['pylons.app_globals'].sa_engine, 'migration')
print 'Setting database version to %s' % schema.repository.latest
schema.update_repository_table(0, schema.repository.latest)

Downgrading your schema

There are some cases in which downgrading your schema might be required. In those cases you can perform the paster migrade downgrade command:

$ paster migrate downgrade 0
Migrations repository 'migration',
database url 'sqlite:////private/tmp/migr/devdata.db'

1 -> 0...

Additional Information and Help

Many of the sqlalchemy-migrate developers are on the SQLAlchemy mailing list. Problems integrating sqlalchemy-migrate into a TurboGears project should be sent to the TurboGears mailing list.